Get ride of disposable razors once & for all with this easy recipe!

This sugar wax is super easy to whip up and will leave your skin silky smooth. Not to mention it is entirely compostable!

sugar wax



1 cup sugar

¼ cup lemon juice

¼ cup water

popsicle stick

paper bag (ripped into strips) OR cloth cut into strips (wash in hot water & reuse)



  1. Whisk sugar, lemon juice, and water in a small sauce pan.
  2. Heat mixture on low heat and wait 10 to 15 minutes until it turns amber brown. Stir only 2 to 3 times.
  3. Pour sticky syrup into a plate or bowl. Let it cool a bit, then use a popsicle stick to spread onto skin.
  4. Cover with a paper bag strip, and rip off! 

You may need to heat the mixture up a few more times if it cools to much to spread on your leg. Also, be sure to compost the waste when you’re finished!


@kula_xo on instagram recommends applying corn starch (prob could use arrowroot too) on legs before waxing to prevent it from sticking to skin! Great tip. 

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