i quit plastics

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GO TOPLESS...on your takeaway coffee

We love our coffees. They're warm and delicious and give morning a bit of depth with the cosy ritual of ordering, chatting whilst we wait, & sipping the sweet frothy goodness until our eyes are open to the wonders of the day.

All of this is great, but I think as engaged, citizens of the earth we can--even before the caffeine strikes the vein--remember to go topless every morning. For the oceans. 

If we can spare our seas the plastic lids that get chucked haphazardly into bins on the regular and possibly have a saucy topless-inspired convo all before work, that sounds like "killing it" to me.

So, get involved. Go "topless" on your takeaway beverage and let us know about it: #toplessforthesea

snap a pic of your beverage of choice without a plastic lid and hashtag #toplessforthesea  

This is my friend Tanya. She's in Venice Beach, California. Going Topless. 


If you are already quite earth savvy and committed to bringing your own reusable mug, right on! You deserve credit as well, so use #plasticfreeforthesea to show the community ​swell building for our oceans.