i quit plastics

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I bike around town and don’t always have a reusable cup on me.

I would go #toplessforthesea, but I know the rough truth that takeaway cups are lined with thin plastic film.

How to get my morning fix??

I keep it plastic free for the sea and brew my own! 

buy weird powders & spices in bulk. I swear your pantry will look that of a wizard, your foods will be diverse as a gourmet chef's, & you will never ever look back. 

Coffee is losing it’s grasp on me. Inspired by some hot mushroom cacao blends I have seen around the inspiring town of Byron Bay, I made my own delicious & energising morning potion:

in a small pot of 2 cups of water add the following:

- 1 heaping tbsp cacao

- 2 tsp mushroom powder (shitake, maitake, reishi blend from santos; immunity boost!)

the rest dash & pinch to your tastebuds:

- mesquite

- cayenne

- vanilla

- cinnamon

- tiny pinch of seasalt

- maple syrup

stir as you heat on the stove.

then add your fav homemade nut milk.

& a small stir of coconut oil

Coconut oil is made up of “MCTs” (medium chain triglycerides) which are absorbed quickly by our beautiful bodies giving us quicker access to energy. Coconut is a good way to get healthy fats & an immune system boost. It is also thought to suppress appetite and with the nut milk it can be quite filling.

This concept it similar to the bulletproof coffee idea of adding butter to your cup of joe. By subbing coffee out for cacao & other delicious spices it allows more immediate & stable (not anxiety driven) energy throughout the day. Raw cacao is an ancient energising superfood originating from foothills of the Andes, so allowing this to sink into our bloodstream instead of intense coffee-vibes is a natural, delectable high worth experimenting with. 

Take some time in the morning to look after yourself & love up your body. Make a cuppa for your lover or your house mates. Have that coffee date meet you at yours for a mushy-cacao treat on your deck to watch the world awaken. Delight in a mindful morning. And feel mentally charged up, yet calm your entire day.