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Summer Zoodles

My favorite kind of pasta simply grows from the ground! Zoodles!! Notice if something in your mind tells you that zucchini noodles require effort, and making your own sauce takes too long? This is the “BUSY” mindset that is responsible for so much illness. (Not to mention pollution...which is planetary illness...which leads to human illness, etc.)

We are disconnected from our food. So disconnected that we forget that the pasta we eat didn’t grow like that, it is processed somewhere by someone, maybe giant machines with preservatives & other chemicals to make the food product easier to sell. I know enough about the shortcomings of the FDA to prefer to process my own pasta.

Everyone claiming a million dietary requirements, but not ready to peel a vegetable? People so busy they can’t even sit down for a meal. Kids don’t know that food, real food, grows from the dirt, sun, & rain! This is real life magic! YES please to connecting back in to these natural systems that FEED us in more ways than just nutrition.

Find a local grower of zucchini’s or make yourself a veggie patch. Don’t have a yard? Make friends with a neighbor. Then pick a few big fat long zucchinis & peel them w a good old fashioned carrot peeler. Or if you find a 2nd-hand zoodler you can make thick spirals like pictured.


Drizzle 1/2 tsp of olive oil over the zoodles & toss with your hands. (The oil will help soften the noodles.)

On the stove, make a thick chunky sauce by sautée-ing veggies on medium heat, a tiny bit of oil with fat fresh juicy tomatoes & fresh herbs.

Basil is a classic. Fennel is my fav. You can always find rosemary growing on a nearby bush. (I would be shocked if you went on a ten minute walk around your neighborhood & did not find that herb.)

Once the veggies are soft, you can add the zoodles. Gently stir, letting those little green veggie noddles soak up all the flavors.

You can add soaked, blended cashews or macadamias to the sauce to make it creamy & rich in protein.

Plastic-free pasta that feels light in the belly. YUM!