i quit plastics

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Mousse Bliss Bites RECIPE

Made some yummy chocolate mousse bliss bites đź’›

I don’t drink plant milk from the tetra paks because they are lined with plastic. And those plastic lined paks are very rarely recycled because they are “mixed resource” or mixed material packaging. It is not cost effective to separate the plastic from cardboard from metal from plastic. So if I want milk, I make it. And then use the leftovers for treats.💛

After making macadamia + almond milk, I used the leftover meal to make these fluffy chocolate dessert bites. Delicious, protein packed, zero waste.đź’›

2 cups dates
1/2 cup coconut oil
Slowly add in
1/3 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup coconut flakes
2 cups maca / almond meal
1/2 cup cacao

Let cool in fridge for an hour & then roll into mousse bites!

Post your Bliss Balls and tag me @plasticfreemermaid #plasticfreemermaid so I can share!