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How I Store Bulk Foods

SHOP BULK to have a stocked pantry & to save💰💰💰

When you shop bulk you stock up on your healthy flours, seeds, nuts, etc so your pantry is full of the goods, ready to satisfy all of your cravings. You spend a bit more up front, but save HEAPS over time.

Option 1 (most common):

Schedule a time to go to your nearest bulk food store w your reusable bags & jars. Fill up. Bring home & store in air-tight, bug-proof jars. Use as you please! Keep a running list for the next bulk store mission.

Option 2:
Research the closest farmers that grow your desired grains, nuts, seeds, legumes. Contact them directly (bye middle man!). Ask if u can order a big paper sack of their oats.

A. Invest in some large air-tight garbage bins for basement/garage to store the large bags in. Fill up your pantry jars, use & refill as needed.

B. Split & share the bulk bag amongst your friends & community!

Good luck!