MAKE YOUR OWN "Superfood" Deodorant Spray

Do It Without Plastics: At home recipes for the stuff we generally buy wrapped in toxins & full of toxins. 

  • Small Recycled Spray Bottle
  • 1 oz liquid Magnesium Oil
  • 4-6 drops Essential Oil
  • Pour the Magnesium Oil into the bottle, add your essential oils. DONE. Go sign up for all the pilates and barre classes to really test out the concoction. 


As a superfood is to our diet, so is Magnesium for our overall health. 

Mineral salts have been utilized as natural odour blockers for ages. When Magnesium proved to be the best mineral for the smelly job, it made that divine "Magic of the Universe" sort of sense because Magnesium is in fact something most people on the planet are seriously needing more of. It's known as a "master mineral" and a well-kept youthing secret. And the best way to take it? Through the skin.  VOILA. Superfood. For your pits. (more on Super Magnesium below)

Let's start with absorption into the skin. If you have a look at your deodorant and you can't pronounce much less understand most ingredients, I think your skin would prefer you stop drenching one of the most sensitive and absorbent spots of your bod twice or more daily. Armpits are packed with a high concentration of nerves and lymph nodes that absorb substances directly into our capillaries. Sweating is a fabulous bodily function that actually REMOVES toxins from your body...let's not work against this handy built-in cleanse.

Topical magnesium does not have to pass through the digestive system and kidneys, so can more quickly enter the blood and tissues of the body. The digestive track struggles to absorb the magnesium, especially if you are already deficient, low in Vitamin D, or have poor gut bacteria.


I recommend making small tester batches to start to assess what blends well with your natural smell. You may love the smell of lavender, but it might turn a bit rank when combined with your natural hormones and sweat. Perhaps go for something light and fresh like citrus or lotus flower. To make this more effective, ensure your armpits are clean and dry to ensure rapid absorption. **Some people experience a tingling sensation when they first start using magnesium oil. This is considered a normal reaction, especially for those who are deficient in magnesium and it should fade in a couple of days. 

As you can see I am a big fan of Weleda Rose Deodorant Spray. If you are feeling like, Kate, don't be such a tripper, I cannot afford one day of "experimenting with deodorants" and risk B.O. in my life. Then perhaps start with Weleda. Save the spray bottles and perhaps next cool, rainy day, have a play with this recipe. 


Unfortunately, most of us are severely deficient in Magnesium, getting less than HALF of what our ancestors did only a century ago. Magnesium is everywher in the body, it's the 4th most abundant mineral and is vital to body for hundreds of reactions and systems. This includes supporting protein synthesis, cell growth, energy production. Magnesium is required for the proper function of nerves, muscles, heart, and even blood sugar regulation. In the stomach, magnesium helps neutralize stomach acid and moves stools through the intestine. It dissolves excess calcium in the body, and is antagonistic toward aluminium, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel--thus if you live in a polluted environment, it's essential you take this.  Magnesium also helps us physically and mentally relax, so is optimal for sleep and stress reduction.

Deficiency of magnesium is widespread due to our lifestyles and societal shifts.  First off, people are just not getting enough in their diets. Many natural sources of magnesium are becoming depleted; such as the soil due to over-farming and high pesticide use are virtually trace-mineral deficient compared to a century ago. Water filtration systems remove much of the naturally occurring magnesium in water. Additionally, the modern diet (standard Western diet) of processed foods is also magnesium-deficient and nutrient-deficient. Digestive disorders and other gastrointestinal problems can result in poor magnesium absorption or excessive loss of magnesium in the stools or urine. Pharmaceutical such as diuretics and antibiotics can lead to loss of magnesium from the body. And finally, lack of sleep, excess stress, or alcohol/caffeine/sugar consumption actively deplete our Magnesium levels. 

Magnesium deficiency is involved in numerous degenerative diseases and should be researched for your own curiosity, but I was interested in the links to ADHD, allergies, arthritis, increased risk of varying cancers, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, menstrual problems, migraines, and actually so many more. I'm not a Doctor, so if this is something concerning you, it's best to consult a professional.

If you wish to increase your magnesium, one method is of course though your diet; plants, and particularly grains, have more magnesium than meat or dairy. A simple rule of thumb is that magnesium usually accompanies fiber.  The ocean is still a wonderful source of magnesium and trace minerals, but for those who don’t have daily access to a beach, we have to supplement. Taking it via our skin seems to be the most effective method (as taking it orally can have a messy laxative effect), so what a win-win that it prevents armpit odour as well!


