Raw Vegan Gluten-Free Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe

Quitting plastics initially can feel like we have fewer options. Soon we realise that this choice actually frees us from the consumption culture that previously bound us to the large supermarkets that make it far too easy for us to buy anything we can think of from one place. Most often the food available is not fresh, local, or organic--but instead, processed, full of preservatives, and packaged in plastic. None of the above speaks nutrition or vibrant nourishment to our bodies!

When we quit plastics, we are invited to look after our planet and our selves in a more intentional manner. I have a sweet tooth, so to ensure I am not tempted by plastic candy bars and sweet treats, I made these raw vegan gluten-free blueberry cheesecake bites! I rarely get berries because at normal stores they are sold in plastic trays. This was a rare occasion where I could pick my own! Lately our farmer's markets have had berries and I've been able to bring my own container to get my fix!


I try to keep these recipes simple and basic, so that you are inspired to whip up alternatives to plastic packaged foods. However, there are a few that are just too good not to share. Like this recipe for raw blueberry cheesecake bites! 

Now this might be evil, because it is rare that I can even find blueberries in plastic-free packaging! I do not want to set you up for failure, so know that this is delicious with almost every fruit, especially berry. I was fortunate to be able pick these blueberries fresh from the bush. I have seen some stores that sell frozen blueberries in bulk, to which I ask, in what packaging did they arrive? This is the next step for our beloved bulk food stores. Taking a look back in the supply chain, to see how we can package bulk foods in reusable and refillable bags or buckets. 




  • 1 cup almonds

  • 1 cup Medjool dates



  • 2 cups raw cashews (soaked overnight, rinsed, and drained)

  • 1/2 cup coconut milk

  • 1/3 cup maple syrup

  • 1/4 cup lemon juice

  • 1/3 cup coconut oil, melted

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 cup raspberries or blueberries


Optional Icing

  • 1  1/2 cup cashews (soaked overnight)

  • 1/3 cup raspberries

  • 3 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted

  • 1/3 cup almond milk

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract



  1. In a food processor blend the almonds and Medjool dates together until it forms a sticky dough. (if your dough isn’t sticky enough to bind together, add a couple more dates.

  2. Press the dough into the bottom of a silicone cupcake mold and set in the fridge while you prepare the cheesecakes.

  3. Blend the raw cashews, coconut milk, maple syrup, lemon juice, coconut oil, and vanilla together in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. Pour half the mixture into the cupcake molds, leaving the rest to make the raspberry layer.

  4. Add the berries to the blender and blend until smooth. Add the raspberry layer on top and place in the freezer.

  5. Let freeze for 4 hours then remove from freezer and serve.

  6. To make the raw icing, blend all the icing ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Scoop into a bowl and place in the fridge to firm up for 2 hours. With a knife spread icing on top.


Serve these frozen or let them thaw for 10 minutes for a creamy texture. Store these cheesecakes in the freezer. For the extra dedicated foodies out there, make an “ombre” color effect by adding 1/4 of the berries for a pink or purple layer, and then the rest of the berries for a darker layer!