Posts tagged The Great Barrier Reef
What we can do TODAY to help the REEF:

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the natural wonders of the world, but marine scientists have concluded93% of the Reef is bleached and the entire system has reached a critical tipping point. However, there is still heaps we can do to save what is left and help restore the reef's health! From small changes in our lives to big steps to push our government to be accountable for this betrayal of the traditional land owners.

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As we process the horrific news that 25% of the Great Barrier Reef has bleached last week—only about half of which is expected to survive—I feel compelled to share my experience viewing reef in Fiji was similarly heart breaking. 

I was excited to dive amongst the rainbow reefs, but instead saw beds & bushels of snow white coral. 

In February, in addition to sustaining damage from the cyclone, Fijian coral reefs also experienced mass bleaching as the sea temperature rose to record heights...

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